Isolation Diary Day 12. Three Cool Women, Three Cool Homes.

Quentin Jones is an illustrator, Alex Eagle is a creative director and owner of @Alexeaglestores and @TheStoresdotcom and Jasmine Hemsley co-founded healthy cookery company, Hemsley Hemsley with her sister, Melissa.

Having always loved their work and style I am not suprised by the styling of their homes. All different in their own ways. Open plan to cool, but cluttered and Hemsley has brought the outside in with her plants and large scale windows. 

What inspiration do you take from it? We particulate love the rich green velvet cushions in Eagle's open plan studio-style apartment and we find the bold black and white stripes in Jone's library area so reminiscent of her collage work. 

How do you create personality in your home settings? We do question why there isnt more print in these homes and how can more be added to compliment the feel of the rooms?


10 Holland Street Blog Alex Eagle Collaboration fabric kitchen Print design

Alex Eagle's Kitchen

10 Holland Street Blog Quentin Jones' Study Collaboration fabric rica Collage Print design

Quentin Jones Study

10 Holland Street Blog Jasmine Helmsley Collaboration fabric Plants Print design

Jasmine Hemsley

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