10 Holland Street edible flowers florals garden

Day 13. Green Floral Fingers

It’s the humble seed that I’m thinking about today. Since the start of owning our own garden 2 years ago, we’ve got stuck into being amateur horticulturalists! 

Chris has been great at the heavy lifting and decking building where as I’m loving researching plants and flowers to add to each raised bed. It’s a small garden with a very small lawn but plenty big enough for us during lockdown and most of the year in fact. I got thinking about how being around nature is so rewarding and therapeutic and SPRING is perfectly timed for this current situation. 
My mum sent me mustard seeds, mircogreens and salad leaves to plant on our widow sill, fun and nutritious. Quinn loves watching the sprouts pop up. 
Sweetpeas are a family tradition and we often have a growing competition. Mine have been sown, sprouted and thriving and now ready for taking outside when there’s no risk of frost. 
We moved out of London three years ago but love to see ways of maximising the outside space in the inner city! 
Here is my sister and her partner’s decked terrace in a light well in Balham. Somewhere relaxing to read a book and enjoy some air? 
10 Holland Street Balham outdoor garden florals flowers
I’ve included this image of edible flowers aswell, photo taken from @kellogggarden. Photo above
I think tomorrow I might start drawing some of the flowers that are popping up outside!
10 Holland Street Sweet peas
10 Holland Street Mustard seed sprouts. St Albans
Mustard Seeds sprouting. Nutritious and edible.

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